Svar: 55
Tråde: 0
Tilmeldt: Dec 2008
Er der nogen der kan hjælpe med oplysninger/adresse på en vildtslagter i syd-jylland? Jeg mangler noget pålæg mv.
Mvh Finn
Mvh Finn
Svar: 38
Tråde: 0
Tilmeldt: Aug 2010
Ring til Egtved slagterhus
Svar: 55
Tråde: 0
Tilmeldt: Dec 2008
tak for tippet... Har handlet der adskillige gange (bor i Bække) men var ikke lige klar over han også havde vildt...
Mvh Finn
Svar: 196
Tråde: 0
Tilmeldt: Aug 2006
Hvis det er fordi du gerne vil have lavet noget pålæg af noget af dit vildt, så findes der en i Holsted.
Sig til så kan du få hans nummer.
MVH Bomba
Each Fall, as the air begins to feel crisp and the leaves start to change color, nature begins to prepare for the coming Winter.
There is a restlessness, as planning and preparation give way to anticipation.
For the waterfowl hunter, the time has come to hear those famous of words...Take'em
MVH Bomba
Each Fall, as the air begins to feel crisp and the leaves start to change color, nature begins to prepare for the coming Winter.
There is a restlessness, as planning and preparation give way to anticipation.
For the waterfowl hunter, the time has come to hear those famous of words...Take'em