04-05-2011, 05:36 AM
Bortset fra i dette forum.....faktisk ID.....stop skriving om tings du have nej ide om....såsom hva gemmensnit American synes...plus...jeg er sikker om....at du aldrig set mange mensker springing fra vinduer ophøj i verden trade center ..som jeg have på morgen af 11 Sept. 2001 og TV nyheder folk opvisning dødt legemer på concrete fortoven i NYC.
Most Americans are happy over Bin Laden's death and for good reasons ID.....and yes most Americans know the world will not go under without the USA reguardless of what your minde thinks about Americans...thats why most people want our troops home and US aid monies to be spendt here at home on economy related problems and not on some country that does'nt like Americans anyway.
Most Americans are happy over Bin Laden's death and for good reasons ID.....and yes most Americans know the world will not go under without the USA reguardless of what your minde thinks about Americans...thats why most people want our troops home and US aid monies to be spendt here at home on economy related problems and not on some country that does'nt like Americans anyway.
Soldt all my guns...I'm entering priesthood..:-))