03-07-2006, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Osterwald
Originally posted by kima
And in the realm of law enforcement, there is the famous Dade County, Florida shootout in April 1986 between FBI agents and two heavily-armed robbers in which 2 agents were killed and 5 wounded in a savage exchange of gunfire that lasted only a few minutes. Both felons, despite being mortally wounded, managed to do an amazing amount of damage before they expired, and the FBI put the blame on its .38 Special and 9mm sidearms, which did not get the job done. We need something more powerful, they said, and eventually adopted the .40 S&W cartridge.
Tja, man kan jo altid skyde skylden på værktøjet...
Fedt udtryk "before they expired" en løbetid lidt som et dankort.
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